Wow, that's fabulous. I've only watched half so far, but both "Get Lucky" and the Bowie cover are great. Will def watch the whole thing.

Imho, it wasn't the public that caused the backlash against disco but the music industry, which chased the disco profits and abandoned so many rock acts in the mid to late 70s. The industry paid for it with a major drop in sales. But when has the music industry truly cared about its product as opposed to its profit?!

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You're right, Ellen, that the music industry viewed artists' hard work as mere "content" way before that became the common parlance for everything created for online use.

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The media industry too. The rock DJs were tired of it taking over mainstream radio (especially the Bee Gees) and were looking for way to get rid of it. Once there was the baseball riot, they had their excuse.

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This is fabby stuff. Was never really into disco, but did dig select acts…Donna Summer for example. Thanks for sharing this!

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This is total fire. Made me go looking up the Brian Williams cut of Rapper's Delight. Rodgers nailed it.

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OMG, someone else remembers that! For those curious, here's the first of several videos that came up in my search: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v--znY7yk84

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Best thing Jimmy Fallon's done, IMO - with a massive assist from the editor.

Have you seen when he gave Fallon some of his own back? It's hillarious.


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He's not only one of the greatest producers, composers & performers but he's also one of the nicest artists I've ever met. When I was doing marketing at Warner Music Belgium, he was performing with Chic at one of the festivals. He introduced me to the band backstage, all musicians that played on a lot of my favorite records of the late seventies & eighties. One of the finer moments of my career in the music industry.

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