
In writing this piece, I discovered that there is a music video for the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPwMdZOlPo8 I was cringing so hard for poor Stewart Copeland that I couldn't finish watching it even once.

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Too bad you didn't finish it. He looks like he's having a blast at the end playing around as if driving a moon rover. I actually quite like him using the capsule as a percussion instrument.

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What I found objectionable was Copeland standing around in the background, looking like an afterthought. The drumming on the capsule was clever.

Maybe I will go back and watch it all... thanks, MK!

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Rush's music certainly was more ambitious in nature and sound than the Police's.

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Author

I have always been a huge fan of the Police, and later on, of Sting. Seeing Sting in concert in 2022 — and hearing him belt out an acoustic Roxanne — was a bucket list item. (Can’t say the same for Rush, alas.)

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We can still be friends, Al!

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🤣🤣🤣. https://youtu.be/sH0Qda32IKM?si=P_c5QuQmCTHXZUiD

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🤣 I knew where that link would take me! (And we've already been there: https://musicoftheday.substack.com/p/21-mar-24-war-why-cant-we-be-friends)

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Yeah…trite, as you noted. But there really aren’t that many non cheesy ones.🤷‍♂️

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I wasn't a Rush fan either until I discovered two fantastic songs, one reminds me of the Police -- "Time Stand Still" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMSFqXGZ5TQ) and "Distant Early Warning" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrDj5XvZXX4).

I think I just like Geddy's singing when he stays in the lower registers. And I hope Jackie will still be my friend anyway too.

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Of course, Ellen!

While I was gratified to see those nice Canadian boys get their due at long last, I know full well that their sound isn't for everyone. Like you, I prefer Geddy's more mature voice of the mid '80s.

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I will need to resample their work. Out of respect for Jackie. 😉

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I love both those songs and hadn't clocked the similarities of Time Stand Still with the Police. Listening to it now, I can hear it. Thanks for the insight.

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"Walking on the Moon" is a great song! I aws introduced to the "Regatta de Blanc" album by my friend Mauro in high school. We'd listen and play air guitar to it! The album sounded nothing like anything else I had heard at the time. Great memories!

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Aug 31Liked by Jackie R.

I had that Police compilation you mentioned on CD back in the day and my sister and I listened to it so much. I've never been much for their studio albums, but there's no denying they had some great singles.

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I'm pretty sure my brother had it either on cassette or CD, and that's how I learned I needed it in my own collection.

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I’m a big fan of The Police and they were my first ever “favorite band” in my childhood, later supplanted by The Cure. Stewart Copeland really is such an amazing drummer, his work with the high hats is brilliant. I was lucky enough to see them in 2007 at Madison Square Garden on their reunion tour and it was one of my top five concerts ever. Just incredible.

Ghost In The Machine is probably my favorite album of theirs with a couple real classics in Invisible Sun and Spirits In The Material World.

I’m intrigued to hear what Pink Floyd album you had in mind; presumably we’ll find out soon.

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Author

Cosigned on the high hats in this song, Mark. I've watched some YT interviews with Copeland, and he always impresses me.

Regarding the Pink Floyd album: it's one of their biggies and I'm sure I'll get to it at some point, but it feels like that moment has passed for a while. Who knows, though? Anyone reading along probably has as good a shot of predicting that as I do. 🤣

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Sep 1Liked by Jackie R.

To add to what you said about how similar yet different Rush and The Police were, I think we could also look at how the bands' interpersonal dynamics impacted their sound. All six musicians were insanely talented. But by all accounts, The Police had a competitive, even toxic working dynamic, where as the members of Rush genuinely loved working with each other. I think it shows up in their music--and, of course, in how long the bands respectively made music together.

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Absolutely, Lara. While I adored Rush's music from my first listen, what turned me into such a hardcore fan was learning of the healthy relationships between Lee, Lifeson, and Peart, both personally and professionally. Such a welcome change from the excesses of ego and lifestyle in the rock world.

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I really need to get back to listening to The Police again. This is a great track.

Rick Beato also really likes this song. You might find his breakdown interesting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVZFkI9HgJY

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Thanks for that link, MK. I'm a subscriber to his channel, and I don't know how that video slipped by me.

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It happens. There's so much content!

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